Class 2
Taught by Mr Meakin, Mrs Barrett (Mon, Tues & Weds afternoons); Mrs Cutler; Mrs Riley
General Reminders
- Please ensure your child spends a minimum of 15 minutes each week on NUMBOTS. All passwoords are stuck in the back of reading records.
- Ensure your child brings a waterbottle to school everyday. These can be refilled throughout the day, if needed.
Our accelerated reader programme gives children an opportunity to read from a wide range of books in school that are targeted at their specific reading age. The children will all compelte a baseline reading test at the start of the year, which will then allocate them a reading age. The reading age will then give each child a 'zone' which they can choose their books from. Reading records should be written in by an adult at home, once a week to show any progress made with their accelerated reader book. A member of staff will also read once a week with each child, and write in their accelerated reader quiz scores. Children will also read independently for 15 minutes a day at school, and are expected to do the same at home. Please ensure that both reading books and reading records come to school each day.
Class 2 have English lessons every morning for an hour. We work on writing and comprehension skills. We follow a writing journey to plan and write our own pieces. We publish our best work after we complete our final draft. Please see the English curriculum page for more information on how we teach writing.
Class 2 do an hour of maths every morning, practicing our arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving throughout every objective. We will begin by recapping our understanding of place value. At home, children are expected to acces NUMBOTS for a minimun of 15 minutes a week. This will help to improve their mental arithmetic. All usernames and passwords are stuck into reading records.
Our Afternoon Learning
If you have any concerns or problems, please come to the door before or after school and speak to one of our class staff members. If required, don't hesitate to make an appointment with us one day after school.
Mr Meakin + Mrs Brown